
Sunday and to-do lists

It is alway nice to have a sunday with no appointments, no house or home work and of course nothing to do except relaxing and chilling!

But sometimes a little to-do list seems also good, because after I am finished with it, the day feels longer, like I have more from my sunday. And if you have to do nice 'jobs' with a good reason it makes even more fun.

My TO-DO-LIST for today:

Go to the cemetery and 'visit' my grand grand parents, because it is the last sunday before Advent on which the dead are commemorated. And I will light a lil' candle for my grandpa and grandma.

baking an apple pie or cake for a good friend who helped us out this week, I will ship this to London so the first thing to do is find or modifie a recipe so the pie/cake can be shipped ;)

these are my ingredients :)

cook a pumpkin soup, because I have some pumpkins left and I love pumpkin soup and hate it to throw food away

and last write down all recipes so you guys can try them ... :)

So after I had my first coffee, I will start and of course let you know how the pie/cake, the soup and everything else on my TO-DO-LIST-SUNDAY worked out!!

wish everyone a great sundayyyyyy

milk in coffee pouring and getting ready greetings


One of my favorite cookies

I love sweets, I love cake, I love good food in general, but cookies are my all over favorite sweets. But I do not like any cookie, they have to be special, different but most important delicious!!!

I can say, because I travelled a lot, I have in all countries I have been before at least one favorite cookie brand. Because I have been in Italy a lot, when I was a child, I had a lot of time to find my personal favorite one: PAN DI STELLE

These cookies are so good, they taste not to sweet, are crunchy but not crisp more like short bread. And they taste like cocoa, not the super sweet one you drink in winter time, more the real one, a good cake shop uses.
And then these lil' whit sugary stars on top, they do not only look lovely but give the first bite lil' bit more sweetens.

You see, I am all about this cookies, but now we have the bad news, they are not available in my area. I cant buy them. Sometimes you get lucky and get some from the internet, but not so often.

two good friends have been in Italy a couple of weeks ago and brought two bags of 'joy'!!

sometime I fel like 


So now I am off to enjoy some cookies...yummy
Wish you a great day!!

crumbly greetings


bye bye summer ...

... welcome fall! I really love summer, the warm and sunny weather, eating ice cream, being outside and of course swimming. But on the northern hemisphere we are wearing hats, scarfs and drinking hot tea already.
 But I realized that this is the time to eat more delicious things.

Today I got an invitation for a lunch time BBQ and hat a yummy freshly grilled burger. And now I enjoy a delicious and sweet doughnut. 
Thats the good think about fall and winter, you don't have to take to much care of your figure, because the time of wearing a bikini starts earliest in 6 months.

So lets enjoy the good things of having fall/winter.  :)

wish you all a great weekend
sweet greetings