It is alway nice to have a sunday with no appointments, no house or home work and of course nothing to do except relaxing and chilling!
But sometimes a little to-do list seems also good, because after I am finished with it, the day feels longer, like I have more from my sunday. And if you have to do nice 'jobs' with a good reason it makes even more fun.
My TO-DO-LIST for today:
Go to the cemetery and 'visit' my grand grand parents, because it is the last sunday before Advent on which the dead are commemorated. And I will light a lil' candle for my grandpa and grandma.
baking an apple pie or cake for a good friend who helped us out this week, I will ship this to London so the first thing to do is find or modifie a recipe so the pie/cake can be shipped ;)
these are my ingredients :)
cook a pumpkin soup, because I have some pumpkins left and I love pumpkin soup and hate it to throw food away
and last write down all recipes so you guys can try them ... :)
So after I had my first coffee, I will start and of course let you know how the pie/cake, the soup and everything else on my TO-DO-LIST-SUNDAY worked out!!
wish everyone a great sundayyyyyy
milk in coffee pouring and getting ready greetings